Reid Product Development has a multi-step
approach for tailoring a development program to meet your particular need:
- objectives
- project phases
- tasks
- manpower
- outside materials and services
- schedule
1. First, we listen carefully to your objectives with an open
mind. For example, you may be thinking of having us build prototypes,
discover production costs and methods, generate production drawings, or
perhaps some combination of these. We encourage you to ask us about
the product development process. You should prioritize the triad
of time, money, and quality. Throughout our discussion of your objectives,
we elicit product specifications as currently envisioned by you.
2. Second, we suggest optimal partitioning of the project work into
project phases. Each phase has its deliverables and concludes with a
milestone. Typical project phases might be:
- concept research
- program planning
- preliminary design
- detailed design
- pilot production
- clinicals and regulatory approvals
- manufacturing release
For a medical device, project phases are more numerous.
A concept research phase can be used to refine your product concept and firm-up product requirements and specifications, before planning details of later phases.
3. Third, we postulate tasks within each phase.
4. Fourth, we early estimate manpower for each separate task.
5. Fifth, we early estimate non-recurring expenses (NRE's) and lead-times
for outside materials and services.
6. Sixth, combining the above, we predict project schedule,
especially for initial phases. Program planning is often a phase
unto itself, wherein we use project scheduling software to tightly integrate
phases and tasks with due allowance for contingencies.
The result of these steps is a development program tailored to meet
your particular need and identifying the resources and timetable to do
the job.